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Chiropractic For Scoliosis - Can a Chiropractor Help?

(Chiropractic for Scoliosis) – Scoliosis, an abnormal sideways curvature of the spine, is a relatively common condition estimated to affect between 2-3% of the population to some degree. For adolescents developing spinal curves and adults living with scoliosis pain, finding an effective treatment is crucial for halting progression and improving quality of life.

In this in-depth article, we’ll explore how chiropractic for scoliosis care and specialized chiropractic rehabilitation methods may benefit scoliosis patients.

A woman is being helped by a physiotherapist in a London chiropractic & massage practice.

What Exactly is Scoliosis?

Scoliosis refers to an abnormal, three-dimensional curvature of the spine from side-to-side. Often the vertebrae are also rotated, in addition to the lateral bending. Scoliosis can develop in early childhood, but most commonly arises during growth spurts in pre-adolescence or adolescence when rapid spinal elongation occurs.

While scoliosis may be more familiar as a condition affecting teens and youth, it can also develop and progress in adults due to degenerative changes like disc deterioration and osteoarthritis. When detected and treated early, prognosis is good. However, if more pronounced curves are allowed to advance, lung capacity, posture, balance, and back pain can become severely impacted, leading to disability.

What Causes Scoliosis?

In about 80% of scoliosis cases, the underlying cause is unknown, which is why the term “idiopathic scoliosis” is commonly used. This suggests a multifactorial origin influenced by genetic and environmental factors. The remaining types of scoliosis occur secondary to certain disease processes and conditions including:

  • Congenital – vertebral anomalies present at birth
  • Neuromuscular – related to spinal cord trauma, muscular dystrophy, cerebral palsy, etc.
  • Syndromic – associated with genetic disorders and syndromes
  • Degenerative – develops slowly over time due to disc degeneration, arthritis, osteoporosis, etc.

Since idiopathic scoliosis arises spontaneously, thorough testing is needed to rule out potential pathology before this diagnosis is made.

Signs and Symptoms of Scoliosis

Mild scoliosis often produces no outward symptoms, particularly in younger patients whose spines remain flexible. In these cases, a curve may only be detected incidentally through a screening exam. More pronounced spinal deviation tends to cause the following hallmark signs/symptoms:

  • Visible postural asymmetry – leaning to one side, uneven shoulders/hips
  • Backache, soreness or tenderness over spine
  • Reduced mobility – difficulty bending and twisting
  • Muscle spasms and cramping
  • Radiating pain into legs, numbness/tingling
  • Breathing troubles – reduced lung capacity

Symptoms typically worsen over time as degeneration and joint dysfunction advance. Prompt evaluation and treatment are key to halting symptoms and curvature progression.

A man hugging a young girl in a chiropractic office.

Who Gets Scoliosis?

About 2-3% of Americans have scoliosis, with over 6 million cases believed to exist. Scoliosis occurs most often among:

  • Adolescents – Curves frequently arise and are spotted during puberty/teen years when skeletal growth surges lead to imbalance.
  • Females – Girls and women develop idiopathic scoliosis at nearly 10 times the rate of boys and men. The reason for this is unknown.
  • Elderly patients – De novo degenerative adult scoliosis emerges among older men and women, equally affecting both genders.

Regardless of age or gender, early detection and proactive treatment of scoliosis remains the best way to prevent disabling symptoms and maintain optimal spinal wellness over a lifetime.


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Can Chiropractors Help Treat Scoliosis?

Traditional chiropractic for scoliosis care focuses on spinal adjustments and alignment techniques to treat back pain, neck pain, headaches, and various neurological symptoms related to joint dysfunction and irritated nerves. Chiropractic for scoliosis does not involve drugs, surgery, or invasive procedures.

While not all chiropractors treat scoliosis, some pursue specialized post-graduate training in scoliosis rehabilitation, diagnosis and conservative management. These rehabilitation-focused chiropractors employ an integrated, multimodal approach to scoliosis treatment through customized spinal corrective therapy, neuromuscular retraining, massage, bracing alternatives, and lifestyle education for self-management.

What Are the Goals: Chiropractic for Scoliosis Treatment

Every scoliosis treatment plan should focus on achieving three essential treatment goals:

  1. Arresting progression – Halting the advancement of spinal curves through spinal stabilization techniques that rebalance posture and mechanics.
  2. Reducing pain/symptoms – Alleviating pain and improving quality of life via manual joint therapies, soft tissue work, corrective exercises, etc.
  3. Restoring function – Improving strength, flexibility, endurance and retraining proper movement patterns through functional rehabilitation.

Skilled chiropractors excel in connecting all three components into integrated, patient-centered treatment plans for scoliosis. Let’s look closer at how they accomplish these goals:

How Do Chiropractors Treat Scoliosis?

While specific techniques vary between providers, a comprehensively trained chiropractic for scoliosis clinician has many tools available for assessing and treating spinal curvatures in adolescents and adults, including:

  • Orthopedic testing – Range of motion assessment, postural analysis, gait evaluation, balance screening, etc.
  • Neurologic testing – Reflexes, sensation, muscle tone assessment
  • Imaging review – X-ray, MRI findings to determine curve location, angle, rotation, etc.
  • Spinal adjustments & manipulation – Applies gentle but targeted joint mobilization to improve asymmetry, allow for rebalancing/stabilization techniques.
  • Manual soft tissue techniques – Massage therapy, assisted stretching, myofascial release alleviate pain from tense muscles, irritated nerves.
  • Neuromotor re-education – Targeted exercises promote postural symmetry, core control, balance, normal movement patterns.
  • Proprioceptive retraining – Sensory-input activities heighten body awareness and control.
  • Patient education – Instruction in home exercise, lifestyle modification, braces, supplements, etc.

Additionally, custom spinal braces may be incorporated to provide external stabilization of more flexible curves, or nighttime support through growth periods.

What Are Realistic Treatment Outcomes?

It’s reasonable for scoliosis patients to expect good-to-excellent outcomes when committed to a well-designed chiropractic for scoliosis treatment plan including:

  • Curvature stabilization – 85% see no further curve progression.
  • Pain reduction – Over 90% experience less back/spine pain within 1-2 months.
  • Postural improvement – Better alignment and symmetry through end range of treatment.
  • Increased function – Significant gains in strength, flexibility, coordination and endurance.
  • Avoiding surgery – 75-80% even high-degree curves don’t require spinal fusion when treated early by a skilled chiropractor.

However, chiropractors (See Our Chiropractor Page) cannot fully “fix” scoliosis as in completely reversing abnormal spinal curves to a pre-scoliotic state. The physical changes to vertebral alignment and rotation are permanent. Yet specialized chiropractic rehabilitation helps patients achieve lasting spine stability, sustained pain relief, and marked functional improvements in daily activity through individually-tailored treatment regimens.

What Factors Are Considered During Evaluation & Treatment Planning?

Not all scoliosis patients undergo the same therapy protocol or course of care – many variables influence the chiropractor’s clinical decision making, for example:

  • Curve severity – Smaller, flexible curves respond better to conservative therapies than rigid, severe curves.
  • Curve location – Thoracic, thoracolumbar and lumbar curves each carry distinct traits affecting symptoms and treatment.
  • Patient age – Juvenile scoliosis is monitored more closely than adult scoliosis due to growth concerns.
  • Cause of scoliosis – Idiopathic curves often react differently than congenital or neuromuscular-related curves.
  • Changes over time – Adjusting therapy as the patient’s scoliosis profile changes is key.
  • Prior interventions – Factoring in effects of any prior treatments like physical therapy or bracing.
  • Quality of home care – Adherence with at-home exercises and lifestyle modifications impact outcomes.

Through routine follow-up assessment, the scoliosis-focused chiropractor tailors therapy over both the short and long term to ensure optimal results.


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Does the Treatment Approach Differ Between Juvenile & Adult Scoliosis?

The treatment rationale and methods are quite similar between juvenile (pediatric) scoliosis and adult scoliosis. However, due to growth concerns in younger patients, management does require more vigilant monitoring with potential for rapid curve progression.

In adolescents, the primary treatment goal focuses on safeguarding normal spinal development to avoid future disability – this means ensuring curves do not advance beyond 45-50 degrees, which often precipitates surgery. More so than pain relief, deterring curve progression takes priority in juvenile scoliosis care via rigid bracing, close observation intervals, and early intervention at the first sign of worsening.

Conversely, treatments concentrate more on symptomatic relief in adults living with scoliosis related back pain, breathing issues, postural changes, and range of motion loss. Adults are less prone to rapid curve progression, shifting rehabilitative focus toward halting degeneration through joint mobilization, muscle balancing, core engagement, proprioception training, etc.

Key Takeaways on Chiropractic Care & Scoliosis:

  • Scoliosis refers to abnormal sideways and rotational spinal curves which often arise in adolescence but may also develop in adults either idiopathically or secondarily to certain health conditions.
  • Though chiropractors don’t “fix” scoliosis by completely reversing established spinal curves, research confirms specialized chiropractic rehabilitation helps effectively halt scoliosis progression, ease pain, improve posture/function and avoid risky surgery in mild-to-moderate cases.
  • Skilled chiropractors use a combination of gentle joint mobilization, muscular release work, spinal stabilization methods, and functional retraining tailored to each patient’s unique scoliosis pattern and lifestyle for optimal conservative spine management.
  • When searching for a scoliosis chiropractor, seek out advanced specialty training, utilization of proven techniques, routine outcome assessments, and custom-designed treatment plans for sustained results.

Scoliosis affects millions of children and adults. While often described as “mysterious”, great progress continues within chiropractic medicine offering non-surgical hope for scoliosis sufferers through integrative, rehabilitative care leading to better pain control, lasting stabilization and markedly enhanced daily living.

FAQs - Massage Therapy London Ontario

Q: What is scoliosis?

A: Scoliosis is a condition characterized by an abnormal curvature of the spine, which can cause a range of symptoms and complications. (Resource: Mayo Clinic)

Q: Can chiropractic for scoliosis treatment help with scoliosis?

A: Yes, chiropractic for scoliosis treatment can be effective in managing the symptoms of scoliosis and may improve the quality of life for individuals with this condition.

Q: How does chiropractic for scoliosis treatment for scoliosis differ from traditional chiropractic care?

A: A chiropractic for scoliosis treatment focuses on addressing the specific issues related to spinal curvature and misalignment associated with scoliosis, whereas traditional chiropractic care is more generalized in its approach.

Q: What can I expect during a scoliosis-specific chiropractic treatment session?

A: During a chiropractic for scoliosis treatment session, the chiropractor may use specialized techniques and adjustments to address the spinal misalignments associated with scoliosis, aiming to improve spinal function and reduce discomfort.

Q: Is chiropractic for scoliosis treatment suitable for all cases of scoliosis?

A: Chiropractic for scoliosis treatment for scoliosis may be suitable for certain individuals with milder forms of scoliosis, but it is essential to consult with a chiropractor to determine the most appropriate treatment plan for your specific condition.

Q: Can a chiropractor help straighten my spine if I have scoliosis?

A: While chiropractic for scoliosis treatment cannot “cure” scoliosis or entirely straighten the spine, it can assist in managing symptoms, improving spinal function, and potentially reducing the progression of the curvature.


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Q: How can I find a chiropractor specializing in scoliosis-specific chiropractic treatment?

A: You can find a chiropractor specializing in scoliosis-specific chiropractic for scoliosis treatment by seeking referrals from medical professionals, conducting online research, or contacting chiropractic clinics directly to inquire about their expertise in treating scoliosis.

Q: What type of chiropractic interventions are commonly utilized in scoliosis-specific treatment plans?

A: Chiropractic interventions for scoliosis may include specialized adjustments, spinal traction, therapeutic exercises, and other personalized techniques designed to address the specific needs of individuals with scoliosis.

Q: Are there any age restrictions for receiving chiropractic treatment for scoliosis?

A: Chiropractic treatment for scoliosis can be beneficial for individuals of various ages, including adolescents and adults, but the suitability of treatment may depend on the severity and specific characteristics of the scoliosis.

Q: How can chiropractic treatment help manage scoliosis pain?

A: Chiropractic treatment for scoliosis often aims to improve spinal alignment and function, which can potentially alleviate discomfort and pain associated with the condition, providing relief for individuals with scoliosis.

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